Back in February a friend of mine came in to the studio with her family to have maternity portraits created. I have been SOOO excited for this baby since before she was even pregnant. Her first child Gavin is my little buddy, who I just love to pieces. (I think he’s pretty much famous for […]
April 7, 2011
I have no idea how expectant parents can stand the wait! I have quite a few pregnant friends that are expecting this spring/summer and I can hardly stand waiting to meet all these sweet babies – and they aren’t even my babies! lol One of the sweet bundles arrived a little over a week ago […]
April 1, 2011
I was reading my buddy Gavin’s blog and came across a video that his amazing Mom had made a while back. She does a fantastic job of trying to raise awareness and educate people about limb differences and how people who live with them are capable of doing great things, through her blog (and day […]
March 3, 2011
Happy Family Day everyone!! Hope that you are all taking some well deserved time off to spend with those you love 🙂 I am going to post this blog and then take the rest of the day off to go hang out with a fabulous photographer friend from Bunch We Lunch Photography to ride and […]
February 21, 2011
Always fun when these three come in the visit! I first met them last spring while the wee one was still in Mommy’s tummy and have seen them every three months since to document Rashad’s growth. It is always wild to see how much these babies change in just 3 months! It also blows me […]
February 16, 2011