Baby Sienna – Whitby Newborn Photographer I first met this family a couple of years ago when they came in for their son Anthony’s newborn portraits. Fast forward to years, and here we are again with gorgeous Miss Sienna! She was a lovely little model during her appointment. Slept beautifully and seemed to enjoy being […]
June 28, 2017
Baby Celina – Whitby Newborn Photos This gorgeous little miss was in to the studio recently to have her newborn portraits created. One of the first things that struck me about Celina was her incredible eye lashes, and as I am working through her images I am still floored by them. I am not sure […]
October 5, 2015
Adorable Twins – Whitby Newborn Pictures These two beautiful boys were just wonderful to me. Obviously with newborns you just never know what you are going to get, but with twins it can be double trouble when they decide not to cooperate. These two were little angels though, who slept and posed. J gave us […]
August 31, 2015
Whitby Newborn Portraits – Darling Baby Charlotte I was so excited when I received the email saying that this baby girl had arrived! It is ALWAYS fun to get those emails and phone calls, but it is just that touch more exciting when they have waited to find out if baby is a boy or […]
September 3, 2014