Introducing baby Eden, one of the newest little loves of my life!! Congratulations to my friends Megan, John, and big brother Gavin on the birth of their perfect, beautiful baby girl! There is so much love in this family it is just incredible, and as I’m sure you can tell from Gavin’s face he is […]
April 12, 2011
Always fun when these three come in the visit! I first met them last spring while the wee one was still in Mommy’s tummy and have seen them every three months since to document Rashad’s growth. It is always wild to see how much these babies change in just 3 months! It also blows me […]
February 16, 2011
Hope everyone had a fantastic Valentine’s Day (or Underwear Day as my little sis and I prefer to celebrate :P) yesterday and spent some time with their loved ones. I had a fabulously delicious dinner with my family courtesy of my wonderful Mom with more chocolate and jelly beans than should probably be consumed in […]
February 15, 2011