Baby Elyiaas – Pickering Baby Pictures This sweet baby boy was in the studio for his newborn pictures recently. He came along with two wonderful big sisters who could not have been prouder of their new baby. This boy was so sweet, and so cooperative for us. Just beautiful, with eyelashes that went on for […]
November 9, 2015
Baby Zach – Pickering Baby Pictures I had the pleasure of photographing this beautiful newborn boy, his big brother and their lovely family recently! He was just sweet as pie, posing so nicely and sleeping through most of it without a peep. Dad’s arms were probably getting tired at this point, but I knew there […]
September 12, 2015
Happy 1st Birthday Adrianna – Pickering Baby Pictures It always makes me feel like the year has flown by when I hear from parents of newborns that I have photographed saying that they would like to book a first birthday photo session! Even more so I am always blown away when I see how much […]
September 2, 2015
Scarborough Baby Photography – Sweet Baby Savannah I always look forward to my sessions with this little lady – and of course her entire family. I have been photographing these lovely people since they were expecting their first daughter, and they are now on baby 3! Savannah wasn’t in a particularly happy place on the […]
October 6, 2014
Durham Baby Photos of Adorable Miss Paige This little lady here might be the happiest baby I’ve ever met! Even though she got a bit cranky at the end of our mini session, we still managed to get amazing shots of her. Babies this age aren’t often a fan of having more than one of […]
September 24, 2014