It’s been a while, so I think its time for another contest! This time we are looking for TWO adorable models (1 boy, 1 girl) to model with some awesome swag from Discoveroo and Oogaa. Winners will receive complimentary model sessions with your’s truly, a $100 gift card to Annya Miller Photography, a chance to […]
May 2, 2013
VOTING IS NOW CLOSED. Thank you to all who participated and voted! Go here: to see the results. Wow, I have to say that I so do not envy the voters on this one! With 19 absolutely adorable kiddos, it is going to be seriously tough to pick a winner! In fact, there is […]
January 12, 2011
As I was pulling together the 2010 slideshow of all of the adorable children (and beautiful adults too!) that I have photographed this year I thought it might be fun to do a contest and have everyone vote on who 2010’s cutest child was. The winner will win a complimentary session at the studio as […]
January 3, 2011