Baby Logan – Ajax Newborn Photography Another sweet sibling was in the studio recently! Big brother Kellan came in to see me when he was born a few years ago (he is actually featured on my business card!) and now we are back again to create portraits of the new addition, Logan. These two are […]
May 28, 2016
Little Logan – Ajax Newborn Pictures This gorgeous little man came in recently with his family and was a wonderful little model! I have been blessed with a nice little stretch of super cooperative babies lately – love when that happens! It’s the absolute best when you get lucky with some sleeping smirks and smiles. […]
August 31, 2015
Ajax Newborn Photography – Baby Asher I loved photographing this little pumpkin! He was sweet, cooperative and that gorgeous skin of his looks amazing on just about any colour! I definitely don’t share enough photographs of babies with their parents (although I do take them at most sessions!) but I cannot resist on this one. […]
September 24, 2014
Ajax Newborn Photography – Baby Adrianna This beautiful newborn baby girl and her family was in to visit me recently. Mom and Dad have waited an awfully long time, and been through a whole lot to get her here and I am SO delighted that they finally have their sweet daughter in their arms. I have […]
August 18, 2014
I have just been informed that Annya Miller Photography was nominated for the Durham Region Reader’s Choice Awards in the catergory of “Best New Business”!! No idea how that happened or who nominated me, but thanks!!!! 🙂 For anyone interested in voting and checking out the other nominees, here is the link:
September 21, 2011