Baby Hayden – Ajax Baby Photography So many beautiful baby girls have been through the studio in the last few weeks! Hayden was modelling her “strong silent” face for most of her session (which I think is gorgeous by the way) but we managed to get her to crack a few sweet smiles for us! […]
October 5, 2017
Baby Marcus – Ajax Newborn Photographer I had a blast at this beautiful baby boy’s first portrait session! Marcus decided to come a bit early, so we actually ended up doing his newborn photography session on his due date. He was an amazing sleeper and super laid back. From what I hear that isn’t always […]
February 24, 2017
Darling Baby Dylan – Ajax Newborn Pictures This sweet little miss came in to visit the studio recently and did a great job for her session. She was happy to just pass out while we played dress up all afternoon! Mom had brought in some beautiful accessories for the session, including this adorable tutu dress. […]
June 5, 2015