Sweet Baby Vivian – GTA Newborn Photographer Oh this girl, she made us WORK. There have only been a couple (I think 2) newborns that we have had to book a make up session for because they just would not cooperate and this beautiful little lady almost became the third! Thankfully Mom and Dad are […]
May 28, 2015
Pickering Newborn Photographer – Beautiful Baby Taylor My goodness did this sweet baby girl ever give us a run for our money during her session! She is just as beautiful and can be, but she was bound and determined that she needed to be sucking on something all they time 😉 Thankfully everyone was patient, […]
March 29, 2014
Toronto Baby Photography – Darling Malcolm Somebody’s Mama is celebrating a birthday today, so I thought a sneak peek of her little one would be a nice treat 😉 This little boy has been to see me a few times since he was born, and I’m pretty sure he get’s cuter every time! Love that […]
March 21, 2014
Durham Region Newborn Photography – Miss Addison Still editing like crazy with so many beautiful bellies and babies coming in to the studio these days! Today felt like the perfect day to just curl up in front of the computer with a blanket and a hot drink too… I am SO ready for spring! We […]
March 13, 2014
Pickering Baby Photography – Sweet Sophia This beautiful little woman was here visiting from Germany, so of course I just had to get her in front of my camera! (and use it as an excuse for some extra snuggles 😉 ) She’s just the happiest little girl, and SO incredibly expressive. She has about a […]
December 9, 2013
Toronto Baby Photography – Carter and his Mommy I had such a good time at this beautiful session in the park! Carter is a busy little 2 year old, but he was such a good sport about giving smiles to the camera between ripping leaves and running around 🙂 Definitely ALL boy here… Dirt, leaves […]
October 16, 2013